
Redesigning "Future Resources"


Conducting a redesign of an online platform for women and non-binary folks in foresight, strategy and innovation, to make the platform more engaging, accessible and add the feel of a vibrant community, as oppose to merely a rigid collection of links.


Future Resources is a platform that decolonizes foresight, strategy and innovation by radically democratizing access to sources of information, events and networking. It is built on the premise that these industries need more representation of ethnically, geographically, bodily, economically, etc, diverse people in leadership positions.

Through the curation of events, websites, books, podcasts, newsletters, communities, databases, among others, and by spotlighting pioneering womxn and non-binary folks in the field, Future Resources works as a tool for knowledge sharing, community building and networking.

The 5W’s


Women and non-binary folks in tech, foresight, strategy and innovation, who are looking for a) a community b) resources in their expansion of knowledge c) likeminded people or companies to get together or collaborate with.


A responsive website with 7 pages, one of which includes a complex Google docs spreadsheet, which can be edited in the browser. The website's UI is currently only appropriately adjusted for Desktop.


The website and resources can be used anywhere, on the go, at home, or at work. It is assumed that most users will be looking into these resources while they are planning a project or brainstorming on possible ways to collaborate in the future, i.e., when they are sitting down at their desk, with some time to spare, using their desktop. Or at work, when e.g. looking for resources to help them learn about foresight.


The website is not increasing in traction and the newsletter is not yet reaching many people. Due to the lack of loyal subscribers and event attendees, there are limited financial resources, which again inhibits the hosting of more events and the curating of a network. The carefully and laboriously curated resources have the potential to reach far more people and have a much greater effect than they do momentarily. It's assumed that this has to do with the product's UI and design language not being engaging enough.

User Stories

As an employer trying to educate my employees on diversity, integration and gender equality, I am looking for events for all my employees to attend. I would be happy to pay for them, so my employees can enjoy them for free.

As a trans-woman and contemporary artist, I am looking for like-minded people who might be willing to collaborate. My field of work is a pretty nìche field, and I would love to find more support.